return coordinates of {string} text through ocr on desktop application of {string} element and with {string} position and save starting coordinate as {string} and {string} and ending coordinate as {string} and {string}
Desktop step-Definition return coordinates of {string} text through ocr on desktop application of {string} element and with {string} position and save starting coordinate as {string} and {string} and ending coordinate as {string} and {string} Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description return the co-ordinates of specified text on specified element name with positions(i.e. TopMost|BottomMost|LeftMost|RightMost|index) and save starting co-ordinates as string & string and ending co-ordinates as string & string. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When return coordinates of “Text1” text through ocr on desktop application of “InputField” element and with “TOPtMost” position and save starting coordinate as “x1” and “y1” and ending coordinate as “x2” and “y2″ ” InputField ID Input ” NILL NILL Remarks This step return the coordinate of specific text on the desktop window element from their defined specific position Extracting text from specific locations on the UI allows for targeted validation. Restriction Ensure that “element_name” is a valid and unique identifier for the element you want to extract specific text. Make sure the element is visible before attempting the action. Ensure that the location “element_name” is valid and accessible. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction