January 2024 – SoliteraTA


January 2024

right click on desktop element “element_name” using image identification

Desktop step-Definition right click on desktop element “element_name” using image identification Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will right click on the desktop element using image identification Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then right click on element “Image1″ using image identification Image1 IMAGE_REPO Image_Folder_Name.Uploaded_Image_Name.Cropped_Image1_Name NILL NILL Remarks This step definition clicks on an image with the name “element_name” in the desktop window. Restriction Make sure element name is correct and visible on the screen. Confirm that it correctly identifies the visibility state of the element. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

right click on desktop element “element_name” using image identification Read More »

hover mouse to element “element_name” using image identification

All Step Definition hover mouse to element “element_name” using image identification Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will hover mouse to element identified by image Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then hover mouse to element “Image1″ using image identification Image1 IMAGE_REPO ss.MethodeWnd.ImageOne NILL NILL Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

hover mouse to element “element_name” using image identification Read More »

click on element “element_name” using image identification

All Step Definition click on element “element_name” using image identification Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will click on element identified by image Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then click on element “element_name” using image identification Image1 IMAGE_REPO ss.MethodeWnd.ImageOne NILL NILL Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

click on element “element_name” using image identification Read More »

click on xCords “” and yCords “” on element “element_name”

All step-Definition click on xCords “<testdata_name>” and yCords “<testdata_name>” on element “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will click on specific coordinates within an element Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then click on xCords “” and yCords “” on element “practiceFormPrintContentInputField” ” practiceFormPrintContentInputField ID contentInput NILL A B ValueX 50 ValueY 50 Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

click on xCords “” and yCords “” on element “element_name” Read More »

return to default dom

Desktop step-Definition return to default dom Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will return to first dom Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then return to default dom NILL NILL NILL Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

return to default dom Read More »

use shadowdom using the selectors:

Desktop step-Definition use shadowdom using the selectors: Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description will select the shadowdom and will search for elements within this dom Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then use shadowdom using the selectors: |mainDOM| mainDOM CSS SELECTOR body > macroponent-f51912f4c NILL NILL Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

use shadowdom using the selectors: Read More »

switch to frame “element_name”

Desktop step-Definition switch to frame “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will switch to specific frame Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then switch to frame “applicationIFrame” applicationIFrame XPATH //iframe[@id=’applicationiframe’] NILL NILL Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

switch to frame “element_name” Read More »

click on dropdown “element_name” and select element “element_name”

All Step Definition click on dropdown “element_name” and select element “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will click on specified dropDown and then will select the specified element from the dropdown Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then click on dropdown “numberFormatingDropDown” and select element “accountingFormating” in desktop application numberFormatingDropDown XPATH //*[@AutomationId=”NumberFormatGallery”][@Name=”Number Format”]/Button[@Name=”Open”] accountingFormating NAME Accounting NILL NILL Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

click on dropdown “element_name” and select element “element_name” Read More »

use “application_name” browser for execution

All Step Definition use “application_name” browser for execution Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will use the specified browser for execution, Browser name can be passed directly as well as can be defined in application file. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then use “Browser1″ browser for execution NILL Browser1 web_browser Chrome NILL Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

use “application_name” browser for execution Read More »

Solitera may collect certain information by automated means, such as cookies and web beacons, when a user visits our website. A “cookie” is a small piece of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. learn more

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