setup a connection with database1 “applicationVar_name” & database2 “applicationVar_name”
Database Operations setup a connection with database1 “applicationVar_name” & database2 “applicationVar_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will setup a connection for two databases in SQL database Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then setup a connection with database1 “applicationVar_name1” & database2 “applicationVar_name2″ NILL applicationVar_name1 database MYSQL 8.3.0 jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306 STANDARD root root soliterata com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver applicationVar_name2 database MYSQL 8.3.0 jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306 STANDARD root root solite com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver NILL Remarks The “applicationVar_name” for both databases should be provided in double quotes. Restriction Both configurations must be valid and defined in the application configuration file. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction