verify the count “String Value” on specific element “element_name” on the desktop window
Desktop step-Definition verify the count “String Value” on specific element “element_name” on the desktop window Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Verify the count of a specific element on the desktop the window matches the provided value. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify the count “Hello” on specific element “InputField” on the desktop window ” InputField ID Input ” NILL NILL Remarks This step verifies the count of a specific element with the name “element_name” in the desktop window. Restriction The element with the name “element_name” should be accessible in the desktop window. The “String Value” should be a valid count value to verify. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction
verify the count “String Value” on specific element “element_name” on the desktop window Read More »