Mobile Application Operation – Page 3 – SoliteraTA


Mobile Application Operation

rotate mobile device to “<testdata_name>” position

Mobile Step Definition rotate mobile device to “<testdata_name>” position</testdata_name> Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will rotate mobile device to the given position i.e. Landscape|Portrait” Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then rotate mobile device to “” position NILL NILL A PositionName Landscape Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets Restriction Given test data should be either Landscape or Portrait Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

rotate mobile device to “<testdata_name>” position Read More »

change mobile app default timeout to “<testdata_name>” seconds

Mobile Step Definition change mobile app default timeout to “<testdata_name>” seconds Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will change mobile app default time Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then change mobile app default timeout to “” seconds NILL NILL A Value1 20 Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets Restriction       NILL Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

change mobile app default timeout to “<testdata_name>” seconds Read More »

press mobile system key “<testdata_name>”

Mobile Step Definition press mobile system key “<testdata_name>” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will press system key in mobile device Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then press mobile system key “” NILL NILL A press_X_in_mobile_keyboard 92 Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets Restriction       NILL Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

press mobile system key “<testdata_name>” Read More »

drag mobile element “element_name” into another mobile element “element_name” using image identification

Mobile Step Definition drag mobile element “element_name” into another mobile element “element_name” using image identification Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will drag mobile element into another mobile element by using image identification Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then drag mobile element “flipkart_Search_button” into another mobile element “flipkart1stProduct” using image identification flipkart_Search_button XPATH //android.widget.TextView[@text=”Search for products”] flipkart1stProduct XPATH //android.widget.TextView[@text=”6 GB RAM”] NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

drag mobile element “element_name” into another mobile element “element_name” using image identification Read More »

double tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification

Mobile Step Definition double tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will double tap on mobile element using image identification Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then double tap on mobile element “SearchButton” using image identification ” SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=””Search””] ” NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application.

double tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification Read More »

long tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification

Mobile Step Definition long tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will long tap on mobile element using image identification Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then long tap on mobile element “SearchButton” using image identification ” SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=””Search””] ” NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

long tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification Read More »

tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification

Mobile Step Definition tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will tap on mobile element using image identification Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then tap on mobile element “SearchButton” using image identification ” SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=””Search””] ” NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

tap on mobile element “element_name” using image identification Read More »

drag from co-ords “<testdata_name>” x-value & “<testdata_name>” y-value and drop to “<testdata_name>” x-value & “<testdata_name>” y-value in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition drag from co-ords “<testdata_name>” x-value & “<testdata_name>” y-value and drop to “<testdata_name>” x-value & “<testdata_name>” y-value in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will drag and drop by using co-ordinates. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then drag from co-ords “” x-value & “” y-value and drop to “” x-value & “” y-value in mobile screen NILL NILL A B x1 500 y1 300 x2 200 y2 150 Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets Restriction Value of X and Y co-ordinates should be in bounds of the mobile screen. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

drag from co-ords “<testdata_name>” x-value & “<testdata_name>” y-value and drop to “<testdata_name>” x-value & “<testdata_name>” y-value in mobile screen Read More »

move and release using “<testdata_name>” xCords and “<testdata_name>” yCords in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition move and release using “<testdata_name>” xCords and “<testdata_name>” yCords in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description WIll move and relase using co-ordinates Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then move and release using “” xCords and “” yCords in mobile screen NILL NILL A B Value1 Value2 500 300 Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets Restriction Value of X and Y co-ordinates should be in bounds of the mobile screen. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

move and release using “<testdata_name>” xCords and “<testdata_name>” yCords in mobile screen Read More »

click and hold using “<testdata_name>” xCords and “<testdata_name>” yCords in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition click on coordinates with x value “<testdata_name>” and y value “<testdata_name>” in mobile screen</testdata_name></testdata_name> Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will click and hold on element in mobile with X and Y co-ordinates Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then click and hold using “” xCords and “” yCords in mobile screen NILL NILL A B Value1 Value2 500 300 Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets Restriction Value of X and Y co-ordinates should be in bounds of the mobile screen. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

click and hold using “<testdata_name>” xCords and “<testdata_name>” yCords in mobile screen Read More »

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