Mobile Application Operation – Page 6 – SoliteraTA


Mobile Application Operation

verify partial text “<testdata_name>” is displayed into non-input field “element_name” in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition verify partial text “<testdata_name>” is displayed into non-input field “element_name” in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will verify the text is displayed on the non-input filed Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then verify partial text “” is displayed into non-input field “testyDashboard” in mobile screen testyDashboard ID com.robertlevonyan.testy:id/tv_title NILL A TextInput Dashboard Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets  The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify partial text “<testdata_name>” is displayed into non-input field “element_name” in mobile screen Read More »

type text “<testdata_name>” into input location “element_name” in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition type text “<testdata_name>” into input location “element_name” in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will type given text into given input location filed Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Given type text “” into input location “flipkart_Search_Input” in mobile screen flipkart_Search_Input XPATH //android.widget.EditText[@text=”Search for Products, Brands and More”] NILL A ProductName Dell Mouse Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets  The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction element_name” should be corresponds to a valid input location in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

type text “<testdata_name>” into input location “element_name” in mobile screen Read More »

tap and hold element “element_name” for “<testdata_name>” seconds in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition tap and hold element “element_name” for “<testdata_name>” seconds in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will tap and hold element for given seconds Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then tap and hold element “SearchButton” for “” seconds in mobile screen SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=”Search”] NILL A waitInSeconds 20 Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets  The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

tap and hold element “element_name” for “<testdata_name>” seconds in mobile screen Read More »

tap on element “element_name” in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition tap on element “element_name” in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will tap on the element Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then tap on element “DoNotRecommendchnlButton” in mobile screen DoNotRecommendchnlButton XPATH //android.widget.TextView[@text=”Don’t recommend this channel”] NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

tap on element “element_name” in mobile screen Read More »

verify partial text “<testdata_name>” is displayed on input field “element_name” in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition verify partial text “<testdata_name>” is displayed on input field “element_name” in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will verify partial text is displayed on input location Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then verify partial text “” is displayed on input field “SearchButton” in mobile screen SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=”Search”] NILL A Text1 SoliteraTA Remarks The “<testdata_name>” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets  The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify partial text “<testdata_name>” is displayed on input field “element_name” in mobile screen Read More »

double tap on element “element_name” in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition double tap on element “element_name” in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will double tap on element Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then double tap on element “SearchButton” in mobile screen SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=”Search”] NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

double tap on element “element_name” in mobile screen Read More »

verify “element_name” element is not displayed in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition verify “element_name” element is not displayed in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will verify the element is not displayed in mobile screen Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then verify “SearchButton” element is not displayed in mobile screen SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=”Search”] NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify “element_name” element is not displayed in mobile screen Read More »

verify “element_name” element is displayed in mobile screen

Mobile Step Definition verify “element_name” element is displayed in mobile screen Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will verify the element is displayed in mobile screen Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then verify “Search_button” element is displayed in mobile screen SearchButton XPATH //android.widget.ImageView[@content-desc=”Search”] NILL NILL Remarks The “element_name” that is used through element data file should be in double quotes. Restriction “element_name” should be corresponds to a valid element in the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify “element_name” element is displayed in mobile screen Read More »

invoke Application in Mobile Device “applicationVar_name”

Mobile Step Definition invoke Application in Mobile Device “applicationVar_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will invoke the selected mobile application Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then invoke Application in Mobile Device “App_config” NILL App_config mobile_application Android UiAutomator2 E:/mobileTestApp/Instagram Lite.apk true true NILL Remarks The “applicationVar_name” that is used through application configuration file should be in double quotes. Restriction “applicationVar_name” should be corresponds to a valid configuration.The application should be already installed on the mobile device. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

invoke Application in Mobile Device “applicationVar_name” Read More »

I Open the chrome browser in android device with “applicationVar_name” configuration

Mobile Step Definition I Open the chrome browser in android device with “applicationVar_name” configuration Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will Open chrome in mobile device Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Given I Open the chrome browser in android device with “App_config” configuration NILL App_config mobile_application Android UiAutomator2 E:/mobileTestApp/Instagram Lite.apk true true NILL Remarks The “applicationVar_name” that is used through application configuration file should be in double quotes. Restriction “applicationVar_name” should be corresponds to a valid configuration. Chrome browser should be already installed on the mobile device. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

I Open the chrome browser in android device with “applicationVar_name” configuration Read More »

Solitera may collect certain information by automated means, such as cookies and web beacons, when a user visits our website. A “cookie” is a small piece of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. learn more

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