Step Defination – Page 31 – SoliteraTA


Step Defination

insert “<testdata_name>” text into tag of element “element_name”

All Step Definition insert “<testdata_name>” text into tag of element “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will directly insert the text into the tag Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When insert “” text into tag of element “alerth4Tag” ” alerth4Tag XPATH //input[@id=”aleth4″] InputField ID Input ” NILL A Text1 com Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

insert “<testdata_name>” text into tag of element “element_name” Read More »

verify “String Value” from desktop window UI onclick value at location “element_name”

Desktop step-Definition verify “String Variable” from UI onclick value at location “String Variable” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Verify if element is present on UI and click on it if present Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify “” from UI at location “userEmailField” ” userEmailField ID email ” NILL A Text1 Solitera Remarks The Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) installed on your machine. You can download it from the  WinAppDriver v1.2.1. A windows machine with the desktop application you want to test installed. Inspect.exe should be present on your system to inspect the element of desktop application under test (Inspect .exe is a part of Microsoft SDK). Default winAppDriver location: C:Program Files (x86)Windows Application Driver Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify “String Value” from desktop window UI onclick value at location “element_name” Read More »

verify partial text “String Value” from desktop application UI at location “element_name”

Desktop step-Definition verify partial text “String Value” from desktop application UI at location “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Verify partial text from a given UI element Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify partial text “Text1” from desktop application UI at location “InputField” ” userEmailField ID email ” NILL A Text1 Solitera Remarks  Verifying partial text can be useful when only a part of the content is relevant. Restriction Ensure that the partial text is correctly specified and element is correctly created. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify partial text “String Value” from desktop application UI at location “element_name” Read More »

verify stored text “String Value” from desktop application UI at location “element_name”

Desktop step-Definition verify stored text “String Value” from desktop application UI at location “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will verify text inside variable with the text in the given windows element Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify stored text “” from desktop application UI at location “InputField” ” userEmailField ID email ” NILL A Text1 Solitera Remarks Verifying stored text ensures the accuracy of previous interactions and retrievals. Restriction Make sure the variable contains some value and the element is created correctly  Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify stored text “String Value” from desktop application UI at location “element_name” Read More »

get text from desktop application UI at location {string} and store as {string}

Desktop step-Definition get text from desktop application UI at location {string} and store as {string} Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description get the text from UI element and store it as string Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then get text from desktop application UI at location “userEmailField” and store as “RequiredText” ” userEmailField ID email ” NILL NILL Remarks Extracting text from specific locations on the UI allows for targeted validation. Restriction Ensure that the location “element_name” is valid and accessible. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

get text from desktop application UI at location {string} and store as {string} Read More »

check the element “element_name” on the desktop application UI till time “String Value” minute

Desktop step-Definition check the element “element_name” on the desktop application UI till time “String Value” minute Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will check element is available on UI till given minutes Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When check the element “InputField” on the desktop application UI till time “” minute ” userEmailField ID email ” NILL A maxwait 2 Remarks Waiting for an element to appear or change state can be necessary in automation. Restriction Specify the element correctly and make sure it is also created properly Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

check the element “element_name” on the desktop application UI till time “String Value” minute Read More »

verify element {string} is displayed on the desktop application UI

Desktop step-Definition verify element {string} is displayed on the desktop application UI Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description check if the element is available on the screen Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify element “InputField” is displayed on the desktop application UI ” InputField ID Input ” NILL NILL Remarks Verifying element visibility when it is expected to be present is important for UI testing. Restriction Make sure you choose the correct element and provide ciorrect values while creating the element Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify element {string} is displayed on the desktop application UI Read More »

verify element {string} is not displayed on the desktop application UI

Desktop step-Definition verify element {string} is not displayed on the desktop application UI Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description check if the element is not available on the screen Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify element “Inputfield” is not displayed on the desktop application UI ” InputField ID Input ” NILL NILL Remarks Verifying element visibility is a fundamental step in UI automation. Restriction Make sure element name is correct and visible on the screen. Confirm that the verification correctly identifies the visibility state of the element. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

verify element {string} is not displayed on the desktop application UI Read More »

switch focus to desktop window element {string}

Desktop step-Definition switch focus to desktop window element {string} Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Switch focus to desktop window element, which is a top window and have native window handle. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then switch focus to desktop window element “WindowName” WindowName Class Name Xsmile NILL NILL Remarks This step definition switches the focus to a window with the specified class name “String Value”. Restriction The window with the specified class name “String Value” should be open and accessible.  Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

switch focus to desktop window element {string} Read More »

wait for {string} minutes in desktop window

Desktop step-Definition wait for {string} minutes in desktop window Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description wait for the given number of minutes Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When wait for “2” minutes in desktop window NILL NILL NILL Remarks This step waits for the specified number of minutes in the desktop window. Restriction Ensure that the “String Value” is a valid numerical value representing the time in minutes. Avoid using excessively long wait times as it could significantly increase the overall test execution time. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

wait for {string} minutes in desktop window Read More »

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