Step Defination – Page 33 – SoliteraTA


Step Defination

close the desktop application

Desktop step-Definition close the desktop application Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will close the current window of desktop application under test. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Then close the desktop application NILL NILL NILL Remarks Make sure there are no unsaved changes that could be lost during the application closure. This step closes the desktop application. Restriction The desktop application must  be open Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

close the desktop application Read More »

open the application {string}

Desktop step-Definition open the application “application_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will open the desktop application by passsing its actual path. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data Given open the application “Notepad” Nill Notepad desktop_application C:WindowsSystem32notepad.exe true NILL Remarks This step definition is used to open a specific application with the name “app_name.” open the desktop application, application full path is required, path to be set in the application file. Restriction Make sure you have the necessary permissions to launch the application. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Remarks Restriction

open the application {string} Read More »

type “<testdata_name>” text into current cursor location

All Step Definition type “<testdata_name>” text into current cursor location Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will type the text into the current cursor location Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When type “” text into current cursor location Nill NILL A Text1 com Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

type “<testdata_name>” text into current cursor location Read More »

type “<testdata_name>” text for the element “element_name”

All Step Definition type {string} text for the element {string} Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will type the text into the specified element location Declaration Code Element Application Test Data when type {Text1} text for the element {EmailUserfield} ” UserEmailField XPATH //input[@id=”Email”] ” NILL A Text1 com Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

type “<testdata_name>” text for the element “element_name” Read More »

press “<testdata_name>” key with the combination of “<testdata_name>” on element “element_name”

All Step Definition press {string} key with the combination of {string} on element {string} Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will combine the given two keys and press on it in the specified element. i.e. CONTROL+A or CONTROL+LEFT etc. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data whenpress {KeyName1} key with the combination of {KeyName2} on element {inviteUserEmail} ” inviteUserEmail ID inviteEmail ” NILL A B KeyName1 KeyName2 CONTROL ENTER Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

press “<testdata_name>” key with the combination of “<testdata_name>” on element “element_name” Read More »

press “<testdata_name>” key on element “element_name”

All Step Definition press “<testdata_name>” key on element “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will press the key on element Declaration Code Element Application Test Data when press “” key on element “userEmailField” ” userEmailField XPATH //input[@id=”Email”] ” NILL A B KeyName1 KeyName2 CONTROL ENTER Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

press “<testdata_name>” key on element “element_name” Read More »

press “<testdata_name>” key on current cursor location

All Step Definition press “<testdata_name>” key on current cursor location Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will press the key on current cursor location Declaration Code Element Application Test Data when press “” key on current cursor location Nill NILL A B KeyName1 KeyName2 CONTROL ENTER Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

press “<testdata_name>” key on current cursor location Read More »

get text from element “element_name” and store as “<testdata_name>”

All Step Definition get the text from UI at location “element_name” and store as “var_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will get the text from UI at specific location and store into a variable. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When get the text from UI at location “userEmailField” and store as “UserEmail” ” userEmailField XPATH //input[@id=”email”] ” NILL NILL Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

get text from element “element_name” and store as “<testdata_name>” Read More »

verify text “<testdata_name>” is partially present in element “element_name”

All Step Definition verify partial text “<testdata_name>” from UI at location “element_name” Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will verify partial text from UI at specific location. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify partial text “” from UI at location “userEmailField” NILL A Text1 com Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

verify text “<testdata_name>” is partially present in element “element_name” Read More »

verify element “element_name” is displayed on the UI

All Step Definition verify element “element_name” is displayed on the UI Keyword Given, When, And, Then Description Will verify that web element is displayed on the UI. Declaration Code Element Application Test Data When verify element “userEmailField” is displayed on the UI ” userEmailField XPATH //input[@id=”email”] ” NILL NILL Browser Support Google Chrome Firefox Edge Remarks The “String Value” that is used through test data file should be in angular brackets We can use any variable name Restriction Element and application file should be in xml format. Table of contents Keyword Description Declaration Browser Support Remarks Restriction

verify element “element_name” is displayed on the UI Read More »

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