Complete test automation solution for web application – Copy 09-06-2023 – SoliteraTA


Solitera Test Automation

All in one software automation solution that makes
web, mobile, and desktop application testing more
accessible and efficient for organisations.

Features and benefits

Early automation

No code management overheads

Swift script revisions

Easy migration switching

Reduce time to market

Reduce cost and greater ROIs

Easy to adopt by existing teams

Tool agnostic automation

Support for multiple Platforms

Efficient Test Script Creation

Integration with CI/CD tools

Test Regression Suites Management

Reusable test components

Auto-creation of Web Elements

Comprehensive Test Report Generation

Tool Support & User Guides

Early automation

No code management overheads

Script changes are in no time

Easy migration switching

Reduce time to market

Reduce cost and greater ROIs

Easy to use by existing teams

Tool agnostic automation

One stop test automation solution

Web Applications

You can take advantage of SoliteraTA web testing solution, which includes the ability to create reusable tests for all types of web apps, including those built with popular modern frameworks.
Our solution is Selenium compliant and features a built-in automation scripting interface and predefined web operations, as well as a powerful execution engine.

Mobile Applications

With our solution, you can create and automate functional UI tests on physical or virtual iOS and Android devices with ease, saving you time and effort while ensuring optimal testing outcomes. Our tool is Appium compliant offers built in automation scripting interface with predefined mobile application operations.

Desktop Application

Our solution is WinAppDriver compliant and offers a built-in automation scripting interface with predefined desktop operations which empowers your team to conduct automated tests on any Windows or packaged application with ease.

Workflow to automate a predefined test case

Example: User Registration Test Case

Test case name: Successful New User Registration

  1. Navigate to the user registration page.
  2. Fill in correct values for the new user's information. (Test Data User Name - John Smith, Email -, Password – P@ssw0rd”)
  3. Click the "Register" button.
  4. Verify that the user is redirected to the login page. (Test Data - Thank you for registering. You may now login.”)
Example: User Registration Test Case

Test case name: Successful New User Registration

  1. Navigate to the user registration page.
  2. Fill in correct values for the new user's information. (Test Data User Name - John Smith, Email -, Password – P@ssw0rd”)
  3. Click the "Register" button.
  4. Verify that the user is redirected to the login page. (Test Data - Thank you for registering. You may now login.”)

Example: User registration in BDD

Scenario: User provides valid information for registration

  1. Given I have entered my name as "John Smith"
  2. And I have entered my email address as ""
    And I have entered a strong password "P@ssw0rd"
  3. When I click the Register button
  4. Then I should see a success message "Thank you for registering. You may now login."
Project readiness
Project readiness

Create your project and application

  1. Create your project, release, application and test data in the "Environment" module.
  2. Create your element File (Use the auto creation feature to capture web element)
Automate your test case
Automate your test case

From the "Script Editor" module, select the required operations ,

  1. Given I set the selected browser
  2. And navigate to the URL "your_url_name"
  3. And enter value <your_user_names> for "user_field"
  4. And enter value <your_email> for "email_field"
  5. And enter value <your_password> for "password_field"
  6. And click on button "registration"
  7. And verify element "expected_registration_message" is displayed on the UI
  8. Then close the browser
Test Execution
Test Execution

Execute your Test Script

  1. Use the "Execution" button available in the script editor.
  2. Alternatively , use the "Plan Run" module for script execution.
Test Reporting
Test Reporting

Detailed test report

Tool generates detailed test reports, including metrics and graphs, to help users analyse the test results.

Regression Capability Management
Regression Capability Management

Add the automated test script's into regression suites.

  1. Use "Playlist" module to create your regression suites.
  2. Invoke regression execution using the "Plan Run" module.

Solitera test automation modules

Create project
User guide
v 2.9.95

SoliteraTA pricing plan




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Solitera may collect certain information by automated means, such as cookies and web beacons, when a user visits our website. A “cookie” is a small piece of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your system. learn more

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