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Desktop step-Definition
- Application StepDef
- Checkbox and dropdown StepDef
- Input StepDef
- paste value from clipboard to element {string} in desktop window
- send text {string} to element {string} in desktop window
- select all text from element {string} in desktop window
- press {string} keys on current cursor location of desktop window
- press {string} keys on desktop element {string}
- send text {string} at current cursor location in the desktop window
- clear the input element {string} of desktop application
- Mouse Event SteDef
- click on desktop window element {string}
- double click on desktop window element {string}
- right click on the desktop element {string}
- click on desktop window element {string} for {string} times
- click on the {string} section of the splitbutton {string} on desktop window
- double click on desktop window element {string} with coordinates {string} and {string}
- hold left mouse button on desktop window element {string}
- release left mouse button on desktop window element {string}
- scroll {string} times in the direction {string} on the desktop element {string}
- click on desktop window element {string} with coordinates {string} and {string}
- click on desktop window with coordinates {string} and {string}
- drag element {string} in desktop window with xCords {string} and yCords {string}
- drag element in desktop window with xCords {string} and yCords {string} and drop to xCords {string} and yCords {string}
- hover and click on desktop window element {string}
- hover over desktop window element {string}
- hover over desktop window with coordinates {string} and {string}
- click on current pointer location in desktop window
- if desktop element {string} is found then click on it else do nothing
- right click on desktop window with coordinates {string} and {string}
- right click on desktop window element {string} with coordinates {string} and {string}
- if element {string} is not found on desktop window then click on element {string}
- move to the element {string} on desktop window
- drag element {string} in desktop window to the element {string}
- scroll to the desktop window element {string} to make it visible on screen
- double click on current pointer location in desktop window
- drag element {string} in desktop window to the element{string} with offset of xcord {string} and ycord {string}
- right click on current pointer location in desktop window
- click on desktop window element at current cursor location for {string} times
- OCR StepDef
- verify {string} text through ocr on desktop application of current window
- verify {string} text through ocr on desktop application of element {string}
- get ocr on desktop application of text from element {string} and save it as {string}
- return coordinates of {string} text through ocr on desktop application of {string} element with {string} position and save xcoordinate as {string} and save ycoordinate as {string}
- return coordinates of {string} text through ocr on desktop application of {string} element and with {string} position and save starting coordinate as {string} and {string} and ending coordinate as {string} and {string}
- try finding text {string} on screen for max {string} times using ocr on desktop applications current window
- try finding text {string} on element {string} for max {string} times using ocr on desktop application
- Other Application StepDef
- Other operation StepDef
- take screen shot for desktop application
- do not take screen shot for desktop application
- get NativeWindowHandle from desktop application of element {string} and store as {string}
- stop timer for desktop application
- check timer for desktop application is within {string} milliseconds
- save value {string} from desktop window to clipboard
- wait for {string} minutes in desktop window
- wait for {string} seconds in desktop window
- get text from desktop application UI at location {string} and store as {string}
- generate random text of length {string} and store as {string} in desktop window
- start timer for desktop application
- combine {string} testdata with {string} testdata and save it as {string} for desktop application
- replace ?changeHere? text with {string} in desktop element value of name {string}
- copy value of property {string} for element {string} to clipboard
- copy value of property {string} for element {string} to clipboard
- change desktop default timeout to {string} seconds
- Verification StepDef
- verify element {string} is displayed on the desktop application UI
- verify element {string} is not displayed on the desktop application UI
- verify text {string} is present in desktop window element {string}
- verify text {string} is not present in desktop window element {string}
- verify text {string} is present on the desktop window
- verify text {string} is not present on the desktop window
- verify attribute {string} of desktop element {string} is not eqauls to the value {string}
- verify attribute {string} of desktop element {string} is eqauls to the value {string}
- Verify if input field of desktop element {string} is empty
- Verify if input field element of desktop element {string} contains some value
- Hover over desktop element {string} and verify that the tooltip displays text {string}
- Hover over desktop element {string} and verify that the tooltip doesnot contains the text {string}
- Mouse Event
- drag desktop element “element_name” into another desktop element “element_name” using image identification
- double click on desktop element “element_name” using image identification
- click on desktop element “element_name” using image identification
- right click on desktop element “element_name” using image identification
- hover mouse to desktop element “element_name” and perform click using image identification
- hover mouse to desktop element “element_name” using image identification
take screen shot for desktop application
take screen shot for desktop application
take screen shot for desktop application
Given, When, And, Then
Will start taking ss again, after they have been disabled by other step def, use this in context menu or dropdowns or wherever things get closed unpredictably.
- Code
- Element
- Application
- Test Data
Then take screen shot for desktop application
- Capturing screenshots can be useful for debugging and reporting purposes.
- The desktop window should be accessible and in focus.
- Last updated on: April 11, 2024
Table of contents